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Lemuel Blen

I am a full-time husband to my wife, full-time father to my son and a full-time worker from home.



Its been five years since I quit my traditional job and decide to work full-time in working from home. With my laptop and internet connection, I found a place to earn money and support my family. I tried many ways and explore many posibilities to find money with just sitting down in front of my screen with my hands on the keyboard. Thanks to the Creator! I am enlightened and proved that Him alone is the true provider of everything man needed. Not the company that you are in, not your boss, not the product that you are selling but something that God provides which no money can buy - His unlimited provission. I've done easy and hard things but without trusting the Creator and without my connection in Him nothing is achievable.


My goal in creating this blogsite is to help anyone who wish to take his time-freedom and fly like an eagle and be able to see the big picture of the ground and see every possibilities that your mind can think. There is a quote, "What the mind can conceive it can be achieved."


In this blog, you will learn as much as possible the most valuable information about crypto-currencies specially in the most popular one which is the SHA-256 aka "BITCOIN".


The good news is (not the GOOD NEWS) I can give you a slice of Bitcoin. What you only need to do is to receive it and claim it with your wallet address. By the way, this blogsite is a generousity of many generous anonimous people in the Bitcoin world.


Prepare to have a Bitcoin wallet (Bitcoin wallet is 100% FREE.. there's nothing scarry..). The blessings are overflowing. ;-)


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